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Here is what you will be doing

1. Post 3 Pre-written ads on Craigslist. (We show you HOW and WHERE!)

2. Post every morning between 7am-10am daily.

3. Monitor your account and sit back and watch your accounts fill up with $25 payments!

4. Reply to the people who paid you after responding to your ads with the info they requested.


The 3 ads that we give you are the EXACT SAME ads that we use. Craigslist will only allow you to post in a maximum of 3 cities per Craigslist account that you have, so if you have more than one account you'll be able to post more ads=MORE MONEY!! There are 100's of cities on Craigslist to post these ads. Once you get started, your job will be as simple as taking our ads and posting them in the top cities on Craigslist. Your email address will be linked to your ads so after you post them the money will start flooding into your account.

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